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Graphic Revue 2.0

Graphische Revue 2.0

The Graphic Revue serves as both a reflection of the industry and a trend ambassador for the graphics sector. Along with a typographical and designed-focused overhaul, we placed particular emphasis on reimagining the presentation of cover stories. Motion design and augmented reality now enable cross-media applications. The new visual framework for editorial design ensures that every issue is presented with creativity and high quality. These contemporary innovations bring the trade magazine into the digital age while honoring 125 years of tradition.

Innenansicht einer Doppelseite der Graphischen Revue
Produktbild der Stationaries mit neuem Branding (Notizbuch, Visitenkarte, Bleistift).
Drei in Folie verschweißte Ausgaben der Graphischen Revue.


all cases
